- Log in to vPPO using your email address and the testing password (3nd0r5M3nt$).
- Verify that you have an Endorsements link listed the the New section of your left navigation panel.
- Click on Endorsements and verify that a new screen pops up for entering talent endorsement campaigns
- Verify that the left navigation panel includes:
- My Home
- Campaigns
- Payment Report (Only for finance or admins)
- Go To vCreative
- Verify that My Home shows:
- My Open Campaigns - A list of all or your campaigns or campaigns that you must approve or voice that have not yet ended
- My Campaign Tasks - Any approvals that are waiting for you to complete
- My Past Campaigns - Any campaign that has already ended that you submittes, voiced or approved.
- When there are campaigns that are awaiting approval listed in "My Open Campaigns," click in the white area next to a campaign title and verify that only the approvals for that campaign are now list in "My Campaign Tasks."
Submit A New Campaign
- Click Endorsements in vPPO (if you are not already in the Talent Endorsements module)
- Click Campaigns
- Click the Create button
- Fill out the Campaign form, verifying:
- Your Market is listed
- Your Clients are listed
- Your Endorsements Category
- (Categories and Sub Categories can be entered in settings to auutomatically populate)
- Name your Campaign
- Enter the name of the Product being endorsed
- Enter Flight Dates for the Campaign
- Enter the total Client Budget for the campaign
Choose the Endorser(s)
- To search for the endorser(s) you want, click the Talent Search button
- Verify that you see a list of all talent
- Verify that you can search by the criteria on the left to narrow your search
- Verify that if any talent or shows have a conflict with the client category for your client, you see a red outlined box with a number of conflicts
- Verify that if any talent cannot endorse any product in the catergory, the "Blocked" checkbox is checked.
- Verify that by clicking on any of the talent names, you see the Talent Profile
- Verify that the left section shows talent information
- Verify that the shows that the talent is on are listed undeer Shows
- Verify that all current campaigns are listed in the Campaigns list on the upper right, next to Shows
- Verify that all current campaigns are plotted on the Endorsement Calendar Gantt chart below Shows and Campaigns
- Verify that you can Print or Download an image of the Endorsement Calendar from the "hamburger" (three stacked lines) icon in the upper right of the calendar.
- Verify that clicking the back arrow at the upper left, "Campaign Talent Section" returns you to the Talent Roster view
- When you have chosen a talent, click the +Add button to the right of that talent
- Verify that the "Endorser" check box is now checked for that Talent
- Verify that the Status is "Requested"
- Verify that you see a green success message below that talent in the Talent Roster list
- Verify that you see a Cancel button to the right of that talent now
- Click the X in the upper right of the Campaign Talent Section when you are finished selecting talent
Add Campaign Adds to the Campaign
- Click the New Ad button
- Verify that the Campaign Talent Ad dashboard opens
- In the Details area:
- Choose the Ad Type
- Choose the Length of the spot
- Enter the Rotation
- Enter the Start Date
- Enter the End Date
- Enter the Due Date
- Click "Save"
- Verify that in the Add Stations area, the Add button Appears
- Click the Add button next to (one of) the station(s)
- In the Fees section
- Verify that By Week Per Station is checked and that each week shows with a talent fee amount in the Fee column for each week.
- Verify that you can edit the amounts for each week in the campaign for each station.
- Verify that if the talent is on vacation during the endorsement period, that week will have a checkmark in the Vacation column.
- Verify that by unchecking By Week Per Station and checking Single Flat Fee, a single field for entering the flat fee appears in the Fee section and the weekly amounts disappear
- Verify that by checking By Week, a single flat fee per week can be entered, regardless of the number of stations chosen
- Verify that by checking By Station, one flate fee per station can be entered for each station in the Ad Stations area regardless of the number of weeks.
- Verify that by checking By Week Per Station, the weekly fee per station shows again.
- Verify that the total fees per station shows in the Ad Stations section under Station Fees
- Verify that the total fees on all stations shows in the Fees section under Ad Fees
- Click the X in the upper right of the Campaign Talent Ad dashboard to close the dashboard when you are satisfied with the Ads, Stations, and Fees for the Campaign.