Set-up vPPO Integration
1. Setting / Firm / Firm Options - Check Enable vPPO Integration and Save Changes
2. Refresh and go to Settings / Firm / People
- Assign the “Can View vPPO Production Orders” Ability to anyone that will need to see the vPPO Tab in vPromotions Details to see attached production orders.
- Assign the “Can Create vPPO Production Orders” to anyone that might need to create a new vPPO production order from the PRF Detail AFTER the initial PRF is submitted.
- Without either of these abilities, anyone can still create a vPPO Production Order in the initial PRF that includes the vPPO Packages field (forms that have vPPO Enabled).
3. Refresh & go to Settings / Firm / vPPO Packages
4. Create Packages
- Enter Title
- Click Enable PRF Station Association
- Enter # of days prior to the start date that the due date should be
- Choose an Ad Type
- Fill out the available fields.
- Click Create and then repeat for each vPPO Package
Create new vPromotions PRF Categories and Forms called UNI-HIP and SPOT BUSTER.
1. Settings / vPromo / PRF Categories - Add the PRF Categories
2. Settings / vPromo / PRF Builder - Edit the Form Fields
- Enable vPPO and verify that the vPPO Package field is added
- Add Contract Number*
- Station-Dependent Selection Field for Time(s)*
- “Liner Copy” field (Must be named that in each of the Categories)*
- Remove unwanted fields and add any additional fields needed.
Create new vPromotions Liner Categories called UNI-HIP and SPOT BUSTER for each Station
1. Settings/vPromo/Available Liner Slots
- Add Available Liner Slots in the appropriate times for each station / liner category (ex. SPOT BUSTERS - KLOVE - Mon-Fri - 11:24 AM & 5:24 PM)
- To add slots in the example above, just add slots from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM @:24 clock position to easily add 2 per day and drag the 12:24 position to 5:24 PM each day.
- —or add each Available LIner Slot one-at-a-time for all days, for example add the 11:24 AM slots and then the 5:24 PM slots.
2. Create PRF Category-based Approval Processes
- Add an approval process for UNI-HIP and SPOT BUSTER as is appropriate
Create Jobs/Tasks for Assigning People to Uni-HIPS and SPOT BUSTERS
1. Settings/Firm/Jobs
- Add a job called "UNI-HIPS" with no Updates box checked.
- Add a job called "SPOT BUSTERS" with no Updates box checked.
*Required fields
- The Sales Person enters the PRF for the UNI-HIP or SPOT BUSTER including the copy in the “Liner Copy” field
- The request goes through the approval process, with the final approval being the person that will schedule the actual Live Read. This would have to be someone with Promotions Director, Program Director, or General Manager ability. The Promotions Director will need to schedule the contest around the UNI-HIP with the tease 2 minutes apart from the Contest Solicit.
- When scheduling the UNI-HIP or SPOT BUSTER, the scheduler will:
- Go to PRF Details and Jobs/Tasks to assign the spot to the talent.
- Open the PRF, click on Liners and +Add New. The copy will auto-populate in the liner copy field
- Choose the Liner Category “UNI-HIP” or “SPOT BUSTER”
- Choose Qty per day, etc.
- After scheduling, the scheduler will go to the Home Calendar and click on the Liners Tab, choose that station and the Liner Category, and verify that the proper liners are in the correct time slots, dragging them to the correct positions if needed.
- After the live spot has run, a report can be exported by going to the PRF Details, clicking on Liners and selecting Export as Excel.