Everything you need to manage, support, troubleshoot, and setup vCreative clients for autodubbing in one handy spot.
- What is Autodubbing? - Client facing article in the Help Guide that gives some very basic information about autodubbing. The article is linked here. It also offers a link to the Auto-Dubbing one-sheet, as well as to a client-facing article about available Integrations from vCreative. Both are linked below.
- Configuring Autodub - This should be your starting point when configuring a station for autodub.
- Troubleshooting Autodub FAQ - This is an internal document that should help when you are troubleshooting a basic autodub setup. If you have questions that pop up while you are problem-solving an issue and think they would be helpful here, please feel free to let me know and I will add them to the doc. You can find this document in a state of perpetual updates here.
- Autodub Exceptions - These are the little problems that don't seem to follow any of the rules laid out in the other docs. Tom calls them "gotchas" and I agree. Feel free to let me know if you think of some others and I will add them here.
- Auto-Dub JSON Options Explained - Gives an item by item breakdown of each of the configuration variables in the options field. Updated as new JSON options are added by John and the dev team. Read 'em and weep.
- Auto-Dubbing One Sheet - For distribution to clients when they want to figure out if autodubbing is a good idea for their station. (Hint: It is!) This document updates from time to time, so we'll try to keep the current version here. There is a version specific sheet for ENCO systems here.
- Autodub JIRA Board - This is our Kanban setup for all current autodub setups, tracking from the first contact to completion. Let Ron know if you have questions on how to use it, otherwise, every autodub set up and where it stands will be here.
- Link to Wide Orbit applet - For stations using Wide Orbit only. The .ZIP file is downloaded to a location on the target computer and extracted to a temporary folder. Instructions for use are in a .PDF file in the archive. Let me know if you need help. Downloading and installing this incorrectly is equivalent to opening Pandora's Box, so please ask if you have questions.
- JSON Lint Checker - Something as small as a missing comma can wreak havoc on an autodub setup. We have discovered this the hard way a couple of times, so I recommend running your config settings through one of these checkers to parse your code and make sure that it is not part of the problem. My favorite is here. John recommends this one. Tom also has his favorite, which has the added benefit of being able to compress and "beautify" the code. All three seem to work pretty well.
- Contact Mr. Master - When that AIM Processing Error message gets you down, this is how you reach the Mr. Master support team. 818-879-8349 If you decide to reach out via email, please cc the client so that they are in the loop for the fix!
- Ten Things to Think About When Autodub Won't Work is another quick guide to resolve your autodubbing woes. By the time you read this, it may even have ten items!
- Autodub setup form - Coming soon!