vPromotions Client Services Managers Guidance

vPromotions HD

This Slack channel is where our Support Specialists turn when they have a question that they have been unable to answer themselves. When contacting Client Services Managers through this channel, they usually have a client awaiting a quick answer, so it is important that Client Services Managers respond quickly and concisely.

It is the Client Services Managers' job as vPromotions experts to be available to any request that is posted in the vPromotions HD channel. Here are some mandatory guidelines to follow and for which to be mutually responsible.

  • Subscribe to and check the other Client Services Managers' calendars when planning a call or training. Never schedule any time when you will be unavailable if all other Client Services Managers are unavailable. We cannot ever leave Help Desk hanging when they need an answer.
  • Mind your Slack status. If you are in a meeting or are busy with something that precludes your being available for HD, you should have your Slack status reflect that. When you are available, please be sure that your Slack status is cleared.
  • If you show as available, you should jump in to help anyone with a question in vPromotions HD promptly.
  • If another Client Services Manager is assisting, do not intervene unless you can see that they are missing something. Event then, the original responding Client Services Manager should maintain the lead in solving the issue, unless they ask for help.
  • You should never be unavailable when all other Client Services Managers are already unavailable.
  • In the event that you have to attend to something and no one is available to watch Help Desk, check with the vPromotions Product Director (Willie) for coverage.
  • Always politely request the details needed from the Support Specialist
  • Ensure that the Support Specialist has done the due diligence to ensure that there is an issue, such as mocking it up in Your Radio Stations, etc.
  • If this is the case, double check to diagnose the issue and politely fill them in on what you have found.
  • In the event that development needs to be contacted, update them on what is happening and maintain a sense of urgency.

vPromotions Chat 

This Slack channel is for reporting issues to the Development team.

  • Never post anything in the vPromotions Chat (for development) channel without fully testing it yourself and proving to yourself that there is an issue.
  • Any question that is not a proven issue should be addressed in the vPromotions Trainers channel. Do not use development time for questions about the software that you can answer by mocking it up yourself or asking in the vPromotions Trainers channel.
  • Always provide the PRF ID (if applicable), the Ghost User, and a full and precise description of the issue, including on what tab or feature you are having the issue and what preceded the issue.
  • If a card is needed, email the vPromotions product director with all details, unless instructed otherwise.