What is a "WOW" moment?

Wow moments are about excellence in customer service with your incoming support calls.

In 2019 we found the WOW moments in the things our customers had to say about us. While those quotes can still be used for testimonials, 2020 WOW's are about going above and beyond.

In 2020, when you write your WOW moments for the day, think about the calls and chats where you went above & beyond to help the customer. 

While you were helping a customer were you able to address another issue that could be cleaned up?
Is there some part of the system they aren't using? (i.e. auto-dubbing, ingest)
Did they mention they were new users and hadn't really had training? (offer VCU videos or refresher trainings and alert a trainer to followup and schedule)


-Got a call from Jimmy Steele, Cumulus/Mobile about changes to the staff when I asked him if there was any reason why he wasn't using auto dub or having his Westwood One spots delivered via ingest. He said he was completely unaware of those two services. I set an appointment for Thursday to set all that stuff up, he said he was glad that I picked up the phone and filled him in on some services that would save his staff time.

-“After helping (name here) through a revision, I noticed all of his notifications were off and was able to talk him into turning on the 5 recommended notifications for his role.”

Opportunity for testimonial: When we get quotes like:
"This is going to save tons of time and confusion." or "You just made my life easier"

Ask if they wouldn't mind sharing a testimonial on the product. Just a quick blurb about that feature and how it helps them save time. Email it to Steve.