Video Capture

Being able to quickly capture a video to show something in Slack or attached to a card can be a big time saver. Personally, (Doc speaking) I can't recommend OBS enough. It is not hard to set up and I can assist if you need it. 


  1. CLICK HERE to download OBS
  2. After installing your first run should pop up the Auto-Configuration Wizard, click yes
    1. Optimize just for recording
    2. Video Settings: Use suggested Base (Canvas) Resolution and FPS
    3. Click Apply Settings
  3. In the bottom left, click the + under "Sources" and select Display Capture and the monitor of your choosing.
  4. In the bottom right, click on Settings and click Output on the left
    1. In the Recording section, pick the Recording Format of MP4 and click OK at the bottom
  5. Click Start Recording/Stop Recording to capture and save.
  6. Click File -> Show recordings to open the Videos folder where it puts your mp4 captures.