Escalating A vPromotions HD Call

When reporting an issue to vPromotions HD for assistance, providing the following informations in the first post will be extremely helpful in speeding the resolution of the issue.

  • Ghost Name
  • Name of person reporting the issue (if different)
  • Firm
  • PRF ID (if available)
  • Location of the issue in vPromotions.
  • Description of the issue.



- @vPromoHD Ghost: Fred Jones, Your Radio Stations, PRF #905686, in the Plays, Jeff Smith should be listed as the 8a winner, but instead it lists Sue Sturgeon. What's up with that?!?

That gives the @vPromoHD person enough information to know if there has been a history of issues with this user or firm, and exactly where to go to see what is happening.



- @vPromoHD Is there a problem with wrong winner names listed on Plays?

Questions like that are going to draw out the process, causing the @vPromoHD person to:

  1. Answer: "no." which is not helpful
  2. Have to start quizzing the reporter trying to get relevant information.

Both are a waste of time.