ECN - vPPO Integration for HD Staff

ECN Integration is a tool enabling agency/network production orders to automatically be created and populate in a firm's vPPO account. Occasionally but not always files may be included with the import. The views and workflow in vPPO are no different

To turn on ECN Integration:

Enabling ECN Integration consists of turning it on in the firm settings. Integration firm settings are now visible to help desk staff only. Additional options of Combined ISCI Import and Combined Estimate are also available. 

  • combined ISCI import will combine all all spots with the same ISCI for multiple stations in your firm into one PO.
  • combined Estimate - when this setting is turned on, ECN orders will not be duplicated if different flight weeks are sent for the same ISCI, same stations and same Estimate number.

NOTE: Selecting both these ECN options should greatly reduce the number of PO's created for ECN spots each week.

ECN Import Notifications:

Key users in the market will receive an email alerting them new orders are being ingested. That email will also include traffic instructions, copy instructions and sometimes files for the orders. The orders included in that email will automatically create/be visible in the user's accounts almost immediately after the email is received.


vPPO User View:

Users who are set as Traffic role will have an ECN Auto Ingest folder to easily find all ECN ingested orders.

The other identifier to know which orders have been ingested by ECN is by looking in the DUE/DAYS column of the production order. There will be a stamp that indicates that the order was submitted by ECN and gives a date and time that the order was processed by vPPO.


  • there will most likely not be sales POC assignments
  • once the orders are visible in the user's accounts, they are processed the same as if the orders had been created manually
  • autodub processes work with ECN
  • extend date processes are done an normal in vPPO

In the event of a revision:
An ECN order receives a unique identifier before it is processed into vPPO. A revision to an order will search for that identifier and if it doesn’t find it, the revision will not be ingested by vPPO. If the original order was processed by vPPO, then the revision will process in vPPO and will allow you to manage the revision as part of your normal workflow. Over time, the number of revisions that did not have the original order ingested through this process will decrease to zero.

NOTE: I spoke with a Cumulus user about their processes and was told when ECN sends a revision, it shows in the system as another order. So they are removing that spot and applying any needed changes to the original order using the traditional revision process.


ECN Support:

ECN Client Services:
