Client Services Tickets - vPro

The purpose of these reach outs are to:

1) Ensure that our clients are happy and up-to-date on the latest available features in the vCreative products they are using.

2) Find out how they are using the system and make them aware of features or tips to better utilize the system.

3) To collect documentation about each market's usage, questions and concerns.

4) Since we are now reaching out to users annually, please be sure you are taking your time on each one to include as much information as possible and pinpoint any pain points. Also document where they are doing very well.


My "Open" CST's

If you have access to HubSpot and work on the help desk, then you will also have a folder labeled "My Open CST's”. In this folder you will be assigned tickets from various firms/markets. Each day it is your responsibility to reach out to the markets that you are assigned and gather the info requested below to learn more about how they are using our systems. Take your time with each one. We are also looking for details about the firm. "Everything is running smoothly, no issues in this market." is not an acceptable check-in.

Preparing to reach out


- CHANGE the Last CST update to today's date (the day you are doing the reach out) right away and adjust the Set auto-reopen reminder to 2 weeks.. The auto open reminder dictates when your ticket will ‘open’ for you again. So if you don’t change it to 2 weeks (meaning it will open again in 14 days) the ticket will reset to the original time and that firm will remain without contact for way too long. 

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  • dig into their usage - both with logging in to a user's account (additional notes to check per Cyndi at the very bottom of this document) and using Doc’s vCST Dashboard you have access to in the Dashboard section in your vPPO account. If you don’t have access to the dashboard, please let Shelly know. NOTE: the vPro statistics available in the dashboard are more limited than the vPPO statistics. This is a work in progress.
  • in the Users & Stations tab you can see if any users are not active and make a note of that. Ask about anyone not active in the last 60 days. Also in this tab you can see the list of how many terrestrial and how many internet stations that market has.
  • in the vPPO/vPro Quick Look tab will give you an overview of data on the bottom half of the page. Stations and Integrations tab you can see if they have autodub on, along with any other integration
  • in the vPro Stats (WIP) tab you will collect most of the available information for vPro.
    • number of submitted spots, the requests by station media (ad type) and a bar chart of how many each month in your chosen dates
    • past due
    • drafts and a list of who has the most are at the bottom of the page
    • Search ZenDesk for Tickets from the Firm to get an idea of what the challenges have been, if any

Third STEP - fill out CST

    • Record the story details on the CST as a note. Contact person, any previous notes about that firm, main users/roles, etc.
    • Check the active user list and make mention of those who may no longer be there
    • We are being asked to 'grade' the firms using the options A,B,C,D or E. That dropdown is found in the left side column. Also include in the title of the CST 'not using' if that firm is not using the system. Remember to update the grade as the firm improves. A is excellent - using all or most of the features and they look good. B is good - using some features or using the feature they want and they look good. C is could improve - using only one or two features. D is poor - they are dabbling in it but nothing consistent and what they are doing has issues. E is not using.
    • Record the data found in the dashboard - see the sample CST for the details to include

Contacting Via Email (example email below this paragraph)

In the email acknowledge the good things and offer what they aren’t using. You can also include the training and Quick Tips information and offer group refresher training if they would like.  Email communication should be sent from the HubSpot CST ticket.


Once they respond

  • When the contact responds, their response email will also be on the CST. If there are follow up questions also record on the CST what you are following up on as a note. The idea on these CST’s is to hold all the information for ongoing issues, questions or concerns. Depending on their response, reset the ticket to the necessary reopen time. Back to 1 year if they are doing well. Or any other needed time period if follow up is required sooner. If they ask for full group refresher training, please create a training request ticket and pass it along to the proper contacts (Tom, Shelly, Aaron or JP).

 Failure to Contact

  • Once your 2 week reminder opens (two weeks after the original reach out), try to reach out one more time, and adjust the reopen time to 1 week. Change the ticket to pending reopen again so it will open after one week. If you receive no response after reaching out twice, make a note on non response and reset the ticket reopen time to the necessary time period based on what that firm requires.

SOP for Firm/Market no longer using products or CST is not needed (i.e. NVE, PDQ...)

1) Make a note "This market is not active", "this ticket does not require market contact..."

2) Remove the auto reopen date 
4) Change the status to Closed


Summary Note

Once you have done all the digging in once for a firm, the hard part is done! For future check in’s you will already have all this information and there won’t normally be many changes unless there are internal changes with that market.

If you have any questions on CST’s - please reach out to Shelly